RV Roof Repair

RV Roof Repair and Sealing

It’s not just the front end of your RV that needs some love. The roof is a broad surface that’s pummeled by the elements. Spray-on liner RV protection applied to the roof creates a further watertight seal and repels the sun’s fierce heat.  Apart from preserving your vehicle’s appearance, you’ll have a cooler interior thanks to the insulating effects of the spray-on RV roof coating.

You’ve put a lot of time and money into your RV so you probably want to keep it in good condition with RV roof coating. Spray-on liner RV protection is just the buffer you need between your trusty home-away-from home and the rigors of the outdoors. Protective and flexible, a spray-on liner as your trailer roof coating can take anything the road can throw at it.


RV Roof Repair and Insulating

There are several reasons you encounter leaks to your RV roof. Here are some of the most common culprits.

  1. Worn out caulk – on the roof of your RV, you have many skylights, vents and other elements that cut into the ceiling. Everywhere this occurs, it’s vital to have a watertight seal. This is done with the help of caulk, but over time, the caulk inevitably dries out. As it dries, it also shrinks away from the seams. Once this happens, it starts to crumble and your roof begins leaking.
  2. Roof racks – while the roof rack is a handy piece of equipment, it also leaves your RV vulnerable to leakage. You will notice water coming in where the screws are located if this is the culprit.
  3. Ladder mounts – in the same way the roof rack leads to leaking, you will find the same occurrence with ladders. They are necessary for gaining easy access to the roof, but the mount points leave your RV open to water exposure.
  4. Damage – if you encounter a falling tree branch or suffer hail damage, it’s likely that the roof has been compromised. Anything that has any amount of weight can hurt the RV roof and lead to water infiltration.
  5. Age – just as our body ages and deteriorates over time, so will the roof or an RV. As the roof becomes older, the materials start to weaken. Freezing temperatures, sunlight and excessive precipitation only make matters worse.
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